Esse blog é pra minha filha Lana Tyler, para que ela tenha sempre uma lembrança de uma fase super legal da vida dela...onde personagens de livros e filmes se transformam nos seus amores de verdade.
Ela ama a Saga Twilight e é totalmente Team Edward.
Tem fotos, trechos dos livros e fotos do Robert Pattinson que ela amaaaaaaaa.

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domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2010


Women swamp me’

The man with the magic stare is and will be Hollywood’s hottest vam­pire. Robert Pat­tin­son sat down with JOY author Frances Schoen­berger and talked about the Twi­light sequel, co-star kris­ten Stew­art — and his secret fears.

Robert Pat­tin­son slips through a hid­den entry into the Four Sea­sons Hotel in Bev­erly Hills and greets me with a shy ‘hello’. Plaid shirt, black leather jacket and sport­ing stub­ble: the 6ft tall Brit seems more like a casual bohemian rather than the most wanted celebrity. I have the feel­ing he doesn’t like the spot­light on him­self: His eyes keep wan­der­ing to the floor. How­ever, it’s exactly that, his vul­ner­a­bil­ity and inse­cu­rity that sum up his incred­i­ble charisma.

JOY: When I met you last year you were still a new­comer to this busi­ness. Despite your break­through career you don’t seem to have changed. You still appear down-to-earth, show­ing up to an inter­view by your­self. Do you pass on an entourage?

RP: Hav­ing lots of peo­ple sur­round­ing me per­ma­nently makes me ner­vous. I don’t need an assis­tant or a men­tor. The more peo­ple hover over you the more peo­ple will try to tell you what to do. I don’t care about their opin­ions most of the time (laughs). Although I should try not to be too self-deprecating when being inter­viewed and to not put myself down all the time because fans will prob­a­bly think ‘It’s true, he IS an idiot.’ (laughs)

JOY: The first Twi­light movie pitch­forked you on the crest of the wave. How did your every day life change with all the fame?

RP: Most of the time I don’t even notice being a celebrity because I’m con­stantly work­ing. We started shoot­ing New Moon right after we fin­ished Twi­light and right now we are already work­ing on Eclipse. On the set, it doesn’t mat­ter if I’m famous or not. I get up at 5 in the morn­ing and when I go home at night I’m so tired that I just want to sleep.

JOY: Which part of the fame don’t you like?

RP: It truly is bizarre, how the press keeps lung­ing at me and how much they find to say about me. That means that I can’t go out as much — I need to hide when needed or lay false trails. I mean, I don’t have issues with peo­ple chat­ting me up on the street but if there is a bunch of girls swamp­ing me, things get out of hand.

JOY: Dakota Fan­ning, who plays the evil vam­pire girl Jane, explains the hype of the female fans as such: ‘Edward is the per­fect man, he is hand­some and has great hair.’ What do you think about that?

RP: If all that mat­ters is being attrac­tive and have great hair, those aren’t tough con­di­tions, I’m not sure if I can live up to them though (laughs).

JOY: What’s the dif­fer­ence between you and Edward?

RP: I, too, have bad hair days (laughs).

JOY: What was it like to work with Kris­ten Stew­art again? Did your rela­tion­ship evolve even more after work­ing on New Moon?

RP: I love work­ing with some­one that I really like. She’s been a great co-actor ever since we started shoot­ing Twi­light. Edward’s authen­tic­ity depends on her per­for­mance and vice versa. We chal­lenge each other.

JOY: Would you say it’s eas­ier to fall in love on a movie set?

RP: Of course we spend a huge amount of time together but that doesn’t mean I fall in love with all my co-stars. That would have meant start­ing a love affair with Javier Bel­tran after shoot­ing Lit­tle Ashes (laughs).

JOY: The female fans are all over the for­bid­den love between Bella and Edward. Do you think there is also a part, male fans can relate to?

RP: New Moon of all the movies pro­vides the most excit­ing plot: because Edward is so in love with Bella, he is going through per­ma­nent self-doubt, think­ing he’s not good enough for her. That way he destroys the rela­tion­ship. I think every man can relate to that because we can be pretty con­fused when being in love!

JOY: What does your fam­ily in Eng­land think about the Twi­light hype?

RP: I don’t think they even notice it that much. The other day my mom called to tell me she liked the shirt I was wear­ing in a pic­ture. Up to this point my par­ents have hardly been affected by the paparazzi. They are just really nice peo­ple, a story about them would be rather bor­ing. When my sis­ter vis­ited me in LA the other day she was shocked about how many mag­a­zines had my pic­ture on their covers.

JOY: When was the last time you vis­ited Eng­land?

RP: Almost a year ago when i was finally off work for 3 days. After that I only saw my par­ents at the New Moon pre­mier but we are plan­ning to cel­e­brate christ­mas together!

JOY: Back in Lon­don you were the singer in a band called ‘Bad Girls’. Will there be any per­for­mances in the future?

RP: I am still writ­ing songs and if I hap­pen to have enough time it is a pos­si­bil­ity. Singing used to be a hobby of mine but now there would be a lot of peo­ple lis­ten­ing, or even crit­i­cize me. That scares me!

JOY: What is your next project?

RP: Next year I will be in New Mex­ico, shoot­ing a west­ern movie called Unbound Cap­tives, together with Hugh Jack­man. This role will be so far off from the role of Edward, noone will be able to com­pare them. My dad is really look­ing for­ward to that movie. He is bet­ter with horses than with vam­pires (laughs).


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